Top "Msysgit" questions

msysGit was formerly the development environment to compile Git for Windows 1.0. It was never the actual Git for Windows package, and it is not current.

gitolite installation issue

Has any one tryied the easy install option of gitolite? I am trying to install gitolite from my windows (workstation ) …

git msysgit gitolite
Git blame showing no history

When I run git blame on a file (using msysgit) I always get the following sort of printout: 00000000 (Not Committed …

git windows-subsystem-for-linux msysgit blame
How can I find out which files have been modified in a branch?

I have two branches: master and bug1. I checked out bug1, did bunch of changes and multiple commits. How do …

git branch msysgit
Use Cygwin or msysGit version of Git, or both?

I am running Windows 7, I just installed Cygwin for the first time today so I have been playing around with …

git cygwin msysgit
Git apply patch fails silently (no errors but nothing happens)

I'm trying to apply a patch, and git apply patch doesn't give me any errors: sashoalm@SASHOALM-PC /c/Workspace/tesseract-git/…

git patch msysgit
Git push fails with "fatal: early EOF" when PUSHing but only on one file

When I try adding textures and text files to my repo it all works, but when I try adding a .…

git msysgit tortoisegit
Configuring Git on Windows to use NTLM proxy authentication

I'm trying to access a repository on Github from a Windows machine that is behind a proxy that requires NTLM …

git proxy ntlm msysgit
git cannot execute python-script as hook

I have created a little pre-commit hook in python. This hook works like a charm under Linux, but in Windows …

python windows git msysgit githooks
When pushing branches and tags, get error: cannot spawn git: no such file or directory

I have an existing, bare, Git repository created from importing our source and history from CVS. I make a mirror, …

git msysgit git-bare
Passing windows slash (/) based parameters to a program from bash script

I'm trying to run the following from my bash script. (bash installed via msysgit) taskkill /IM ssh-agent.exe The output …

windows bash msysgit