MSTest DeploymentItem doesn't copy files to output dir

f4x picture f4x · Oct 14, 2012 · Viewed 15.7k times · Source

nice day!

I have following project structure:


In my test file following method:


[DeploymentItem("My.Project.Test\\Resources\\mytest.file", @"Resources")]




string path = "Resources\\mytest.file"; ....


In according to I want use only DeployItemAttribute without "Deployment Items property".

But when I debugged it method, I catch "File not found exception".

What can I do?

PS: also posted this question in

Best regards!


Elena picture Elena · Oct 15, 2012

Check the properties of the file to deploy (mytest.file).

"Copy to Output Directory" should be set to "Copy Always" (it is set to "Do not copy" by default).