Top "Mstest" questions

Microsoft .NET Unit Testing Framework (MSTest)

Error debugging code in visual studio 2012 - Failed to initialize client proxy: could not connect to

I am having Issues debugging unit tests in visual studio. I can run them fine from test explorer. The issue …

.net visual-studio-2012 mstest
Run SpecFlow tests without Visual Studio

I would like out QA team to be able to run SpecFlow tests. I would like them to be able …

nunit mstest specflow
Does VS2010 Code Coverage support nUnit?

According to this schema VS2010 Premium and Ultimate has a tool for checking Code Coverage - together with a few …

visual-studio-2010 nunit mstest code-coverage
How to run a list of tests with VsTest.Console

How can I run a list of tests using vstest.console.exe? The .vsmdi format offered a way to specify …

visual-studio mstest vstest
Visual Studio 2010 does not discover new unit tests

I am writing some unit tests in Visual Studio 2010. I can run all tests by using "Run all Tests in …

visual-studio-2010 visual-studio unit-testing mstest
How to get MSTest to find my test data files?

I have a few tests that need to be fed with external data from excel files. The files are included …

mstest teamcity
How do I exclude service references from code coverage using the runsettings file in Visual Studio 2012?

I'm using a custom runsettings file to control what projects are inspected for code coverage. I used the default template …

unit-testing visual-studio-2012 mstest code-coverage visual-studio-test-runner
what is the equivalent test attribute for TestFixtureSetUp of Nunit in MSTest

In NUnit we use TestFixtureSetUp what is the equivalent test in MSTest? Thanks

SonarQube Test Coverage with MsTest

I have been trying to get SonarQube working with a simple dot net app. I have had some success getting …

sonarqube code-coverage mstest vstest