Top "Msdeploy" questions

Microsoft command line tool for deploying, synchronizing and packaging web applications, content and configuration settings to IIS Web Servers.

How to do the exact same functionality as the Publish inside visual studio from powershell

I want to know how to publish from PowerShell the same way I can from Visual Studio. When you launch …

visual-studio-2010 visual-studio powershell msbuild msdeploy
MSDeploy WMSVC Not working

I have a build/test server which is currently running Jenkins for my continuous integration and it also is acting …

msbuild jenkins msdeploy
How to use MsDeploy to deploy a sub-application within a website

I have a sub application underneath an IIS website, and I can deploy it using the publish wizard in Visual …

visual-studio deployment iis-7 msdeploy webdeploy
TFS2010 Build Definition to Deploy to multiple servers?

I've been looking into TFS2010 new build and deployment features with MSDeploy. So far everything is going well (although its …

deployment msbuild msdeploy build-definition
MSDeploy triggers 401 Access denied error when trying to synch a site

I try to push/sync a IIS Site from a Win2003 Server to another. This is my command: msdeploy -verb:…

iis ntlm msdeploy msdeployserviceagent
How do I target an already existing application pool with webdeploy?

I am trying to make sure that my app gets deployed to a specific application pool that already exists when …

msdeploy webdeploy microsoft-web-deploy
Is "AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStrings"-option the only way to prevent connection string tokenization?

I am still trying to get my head around MSBuild things. Currently I am fiddling around with deploying via powershell …

msbuild msdeploy webdeploy msbuild-propertygroup