Return output from an MsBuild task?

ripper234 picture ripper234 · Sep 3, 2009 · Viewed 16.4k times · Source

I'd like to calculate a path in a MsBuild task, to be used by another MsBuild task. What is the best way to accomplish this?

Setting a environment variable, printing to Console, ...?


Julien Hoarau picture Julien Hoarau · Sep 3, 2009

Use a property or an item. Your MSBuild that calculates the path, return it as a property and you use this property as input for your other task.

public class CalculatePathTask : ITask
    public String Path { get; set; }

    public bool Execute()
        Path = CalculatePath();

        return true;
<Target Name="CalculateAndUsePath">
    <Output TaskParameter="Path" PropertyName="CalculatePath"/>

  <Message Text="My path is $(CalculatePath)"/>

If you need to pass a value between two MSBuild project, you should create a third one that will call the other using MSBuild Task and use the TargetOutputs element to get back the value that you want.