On our Jenkins build server, we were seeing lots of msbuild.exe processes (~100) hanging around after job completion with around 20mb memory usage and 0% CPU activity.
Builds using different versions of stylecop were intermittently failing:
error MSB4131: The "ViolationCount" parameter is not supported by the "StyleCopTask" task.
Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a gettable public instance property.
Nuget.exe was intermittently exiting with the following access violation error (0x0000005):
.\workspace\.nuget\nuget install .\workspace\packages.config -o .\workspace\packages"
exited with code -1073741819.
MsBuild was launched in the following way via a Jenkins Matrix job, with 'BuildInParallel' enabled:
`msbuild /t:%Targets% /m
Clean=%Clean%; %~dp0\_Jenkins\Build.proj`
After a lot of digging around and trying various things to no effect, I eventually ended up creating a new minimal solution which reproduced the issue with very little else going on. The issue turned out to be caused by msbuild's multi-core parallelisation - the 'm' parameter.
The following posts were helpful:
The fix:
to the batch file which launches msbuild/m:4 /nr:false