I have a DAO recordset that gets created fine and I can transfer the records from the set to a table, this is done row by row and works well but I am transfering a large amount of data at once so this can take a very long time row by row.
Is there a way to transfer the ENTIRE recordset in one go, rather than row by row
See below for current code in use -
Dim SendE1 As DAO.Recordset
Set SendE1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT TBL_ImportTable.* FROM TBL_ImportTable", dbOpenDynaset)
Do Until SendE1.EOF
sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO TBL_E1Jobs (StartDate, StartTime, EndDate, EndTime, Location, UserID, WorkStationID, DocumentNumber, E1Shift, OperSeq, Facility, AdjustedforShifts, WeekNum)" & _
" VALUES ('" & SendE1("StartDate") & "', '" & SendE1("StartTime") & "', '" & SendE1("EndDate") & "', '" & SendE1("EndTime") & "', '" & SendE1("Location") & "', '" & SendE1("UserID") & "', '" & SendE1("WorkstationID") & "', '" & SendE1("DocumentNumber") & "', '" & SendE1("E1Shift") & "', '" & SendE1("OperSeq") & "', '" & SendE1("Facility") & "', '" & SendE1("AdjustedforShifts") & "', '" & SendE1("WeekNum") & "') "
DoCmd.RunSQL (sqlinsert)
Set SendE1 = Nothing
@cularis is correct. The right way to do this is in a SQL query. Having read your comments to his answer, there are a few steps you can take to avoid wiping out data that has not been copied:
Dim db As DAO.Database, RecCount As Long
'Get the total number of records in your import table to compare later
RecCount = DCount("*", "TBL_ImportTable")
'This line is IMPORTANT! each time you call CurrentDb a new db object is returned
' that would cause problems for us later
Set db = CurrentDb
'Add the records, being sure to use our db object, not CurrentDb
db.Execute "INSERT INTO TBL_E1Jobs (StartDate, StartTime, ..., WeekNum) " & _
"SELECT StartDate, StartTime, ..., WeekNum " & _
"FROM TBL_ImportTable", dbFailOnError
'db.RecordsAffected now contains the number of records that were inserted above
' since CurrentDb returns a new db object, CurrentDb.RecordsAffected always = 0
If RecCount = db.RecordsAffected Then
db.Execute "DELETE * FROM TBL_ImportTable", dbFailOnError
End If
Please note that if you run those queries on linked ODBC tables, you will need to include the dbSeeChanges
option (ie, dbFailOnError + dbSeeChanges