Top "Ms-access-2003" questions

Microsoft Access 2003 - a rapid database application development tool - Use this tag for questions specific to Microsoft Access 2003.

select the date from ms access in format

I want to select the data from the database using select command but the result is showing in…

java sql ms-access ms-access-2003
Select into table in another database that is password protected?

In Microsoft Access 2003 and Visual Basic 6 I'm trying to copy a table to another access database that is password protected …

vb6 passwords connection-string ms-access-2003
Refresh/Requery Combobox problems

Afternoon, I have having problems getting my ComboBox to update while the form it is on is open. My data …

ms-access vba ms-access-2003
Clear Textbox on key press

Is there any way to clear the textbox on keypress like in excel. I tried the following code but it …

ms-access vba ms-access-2003
IN Function for Access VBA

Is there a function in Access VBA that works like the IN function in SQL? I'm looking for something like: …

sql ms-access vba ms-access-2003
The field is too small to accept the amount of data you are attempted to add

I was just handed a query to add to a macro which simply adds to a table called exceptions based …

ms-access ms-access-2003
How can I make Access combo boxes unfurl on arrow key down?

With combo box controls, I'm used to being able tab to them, click the down arrow key to open up …

ms-access forms combobox ms-access-2003
Spell Check code in MS Access form field - throws error when change is accepted

I added the following code in the AfterUpdate event of a textbox in an MS Access form: Private Sub txtComments_…

ms-access vba ms-access-2003 ms-access-2000
How To Refer To Continuous Subform Contol

I have an Access 2003 form with one subform, set to continuous forms, in a subform control. For one record in …

ms-access vba ms-access-2003
How to schedule a call to an MS Access macro?

I'm looking to schedule a call to an MS Access macro. This macro uses a .csv file (that I get …

sharepoint ms-access windows-7 macros ms-access-2003