Top "Mplot3d" questions

a 3D plotting toolkit which ships with the matplotlib Python plotting library.

Changing the line color in plot_surface

I did a surface plot with some data in Python. Now I tried to change the style of such a …

python numpy matplotlib mplot3d
Matplotlib 3D plot - 2D format for input data?

I am plotting a function of two parameters with matplotlib. I copied an example in matplotlib tutorial and transformed with …

python 3d matplotlib mplot3d
Python matplotlib : plot3D with a color for 4D

I am trying to make a 3D plot from x, y, z points list, and I want to plot color …

python matplotlib color-mapping mplot3d
Plotting using PolyCollection in matplotlib

I am trying to plot a 3 dimensional plot in matplotlib. I have to plot Frequency vs Amplitude Distribution for four (…

python matplotlib mplot3d
How to disable perspective in mplot3d?

Is it possible to disable the perspective when plotting in mplot3d, i.e. to use the orthogonal projection?

python matplotlib mplot3d
Colorbar for matplotlib plot_surface using facecolors

I'm trying to plot in 3D colouring the surface with predefined colours using facecolors. The problem here is that cm.…

python matplotlib mplot3d
Error: _string_to_bool in mplot3d (workaround found)

Edit: workaround at the end of this post. I was trying to run some of the examples provided here and …

python-2.7 matplotlib mplot3d