Top "Mov" questions

Questions related to the assembler `mov` instruction

Error: Operation size not specified - NASm

I'm working in 16 bit NASM assembly having an issue where my code won't build. The error happens on all the …

assembly nasm x86-16 mov
Difference between MOVDQA and MOVAPS x86 instructions?

I'm looking Intel datasheet: Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual and I can't find the difference between MOVDQA: …

assembly x86 sse simd mov
mov instruction in x86 assembly

From what I've read about mov, it copies the second argument into the first argument. Then, what does this do? …

assembly x86 att mov
ffmpeg Too many bits per frame requested

I am using ffmpeg to convert videos to mp4 format. Everything works fine except with MOV format. The command I …

ffmpeg mp4 mov
Can't show .mov file on html5 video tag on iPhone

I tried different ways to show a .mov video ("ISO Media, Apple QuickTime movie" on linux) in HTML5 page with …

iphone html video mov
Converting mov to mp4 with ffmpeg better quality

I want to convert mov videos to mp4. Currentoy I manage this with ffmpeg via bash with the following call: …

ffmpeg mp4 mov
Convert .mov to .mp4 and keep alpha channel using FFMPEG

I am trying to convert a .mov file that is Quicktime with Alpha Channel to a .mp4 movie. I am …

video ubuntu ffmpeg mp4 mov
mov %eax,(%esp)

What is the difference between the following statements? mov %eax,%esp mov %eax,(%esp) I'm working on diffusing a binary …

assembly x86 att mov addressing-mode
8085 assembly instructions MOV, LDA and STA

I get the point of MOV, STA and LDA instructions, but what I don't understand is why are there three …

assembly copy mov 8085
mov eax, large fs:30h

I was analyzing some x86 binary and found the following instruction which I can not understand. Can someone please explain …

debugging assembly x86 ida mov