I'm in progress with estimation of MongoDB for our customers. Per requirements we need associate with some entity ent
variable set of name-value pairs.
db.ent.insert({'a':5775, 'b':'b1'})
db.ent.insert({'c':'its a c', 'b':'b2'})
db.ent.insert({'a':7557, 'c':'its a c'})
After this I need intensively query ent
for presence of fields:
Per MongoDB docs:
$exists is not very efficient even with an index, and esp. with {$exists:true} since it will effectively have to scan all indexed values.
Can experts there provide more efficient way (even with shift the paradigm) to deal fast with vary name-value pairs
You can redesign your schema like this:
{k: "a", v: 5775},
{k: "b", v: "b1"},
Then you indexing your key:
db.people.ensureIndex({"pairs.k" : 1})
After this you will able to search by exact match:
In case you go with Sparse index and your current schema, proposed by @WesFreeman, you will need to create an index on each key you want to search. It can affect write performance or will be not acceptable if your keys are not static.