Update query in MongoDB shell

Shamoon picture Shamoon · Oct 13, 2011 · Viewed 57.2k times · Source

In the shell, my query is:

db.checkin_4e95ae0926abe9ad28000001.update({location_city:"New York"}, {location_country: "FUDGE!"});

However, it doesn't actually update my records. It doesn't error either. When I do a db.checkin_4e95ae0926abe9ad28000001.find({location_city:"New York"}); after running this, I get all my results but the location_country has not changed:

    "_id": ObjectId("4e970209a0290b70660009e9"),
    "addedOn": ISODate("2011-10-13T15:21:45.772Z"),
    "location_address1": "",
    "location_city": "New York",
    "location_country": "United States",
    "location_latLong": {
        "xLon": -74.007124,
        "yLat": 40.71455
    "location_source": "socialprofile",
    "location_state": "New York",
    "location_zip": ""


Andrew Orsich picture Andrew Orsich · Oct 13, 2011

This is because in second parameter of update function you need to use $set operator to update location_country as in example below:

   {location_city:"New York"}, //find criteria
   // this row contains fix with $set oper
   { $set : { location_country: "FUDGE!"}}); 

Here you can find a list of available update operators.