I have been searching for an example of how I can stream the result of a MongoDB query to a nodejs client. All solutions I have found so far seem to read the query result at once and then send the result back to the server.
Instead, I would (obviously) like to supply a callback to the query method and have MongoDB call that when the next chunk of the result set is available.
I have been looking at mongoose - should I probably use a different driver?
(the underlying layer that every mongoDB client uses in nodejs) except the cursor API that others mentioned has a nice stream API (#458). Unfortunately i did not find it documented elsewhere.
Update: there are docs also here.
It can be used like this:
var stream = collection.find().stream()
stream.on('error', function (err) {
stream.on('data', function (doc) {
It actually implements the ReadableStream interface, so it has all the goodies (pause/resume etc)