as stated in the title i'm having some problems querying from MongoDB Compass using the aggregate methhod. I have a collection of documents in this form:
using mongo shell or Studio 3T software I query it with aggregate method, follows an example:
{ $match: {"Array.field": "val"}},
{ $unwind: "$Array"},
{ $match: {"Array.field": "val"}},
{ $group: {_id: null, count: {$sum:NumberInt(1)}, Array: {$push: "$Array"}}},
{ $project: {"N. Hits": "$count", Array:1}}
where I look for elements of Array who has field's value = "val" and count them. This works perfectly, but I don't know how to do the same in MongoDB Compass
in the query bar I have 'filter', 'project' and 'sort' and I can do usual queries, but i don't know how to use aggregate method. Thanks
You are looking at the Documents tab which is restricted for querying documents.
Take a look in the second tab called Aggregations where you can do your aggregation pipelines, as usual.
For further information please visit the Aggregation Pipeline Builder documentation.