I want to daily backups for a single mongodb database, probably with mongodump. To not lose any data, I would like this to be incremental so if something goes wrong in the middle of the day, I need to be able to replay changes for that day up til the point of failure after doing a mongorestore.
Am I understanding correctly that I need to use an oplog for this? Or is journaling the answer? I tried doing the following:
However nothing ever gets stored in the oplog. What is the best way to do such incremental backups? I'm basically looking for a similar approach to replaying the mysql binlog.
MongoDB doesn't provide an incremental backup option out of the box, but it's possible to do a file snapshot and replay the oplog. Did you set up your server as a replica set following the steps outlined in the documentation? http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replica+Sets+-+Basics
Could you also tell us the purpose of these backups? Have you considered adding a second node to your replica set for data durability?
If you've walked through the steps to set up the server as a member of a replica set, can you run rs.status() in the shell?
One other note (just to clarify)- journaling is not meant to be a backup strategy; journaling merely ensures that the database can return to a consistent state in the event of failover. Running with journaling enabled is highly recommended.
Here is the MongoDB documentation for backups: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Backups