how to hide joomla content from frontpage but not from inner pages

JustLearn picture JustLearn · Sep 10, 2010 · Viewed 23.9k times · Source

i m using yootheme joomla template in joomla 1.5.x, my problem is that i want to

  • display modules (if enabled ) on front page, no joomla content ( i.e. localhost/project or localhost/project/index.php)


  • display contents & modules ( if enabled ) both on inner pages

my problem is that on front page (template/yoo_symphony/index.php) if i write

<jdoc:include type="component" />

then front page display only contents , no modules :(

and if i write as suggested on here and here

$pageview = JRequest::getVar('option','','GET');
if(!empty($pageview) ) : ?>
  <jdoc:include type="component" />
<?php endif; ?>  

then front page display all modules but inner pages not display any contents

i have read many articles regarding this, but no hope...:(

please provide me a perfect solution so that i can display modules on front page as well as content on inner pages

NOTE: if i write print_r($_GET) on http://localhost/project or http://localhost/project/index.php then it results

    [option] => com_content
    [view] => article
    [id] => 44
    [Itemid] => 53

means there is url rewriting on front page, my main problem is that how to distiniguish front page from other pages??


I got answer from my senior, Need to do below steps

1> go to joomla administrator side
2> then navigate to menu-->main menu [ Menu Item Manager :[mainmenu] ]
3> click to Home ( i.e. your default menu item )[ Menu Item: [ Edit ] ]
4> now click on change type [ Change Menu Item ]
5> select Internel link-->Articles -->Front Page -->Front Page Blog Layout
6> Apply & save
7> now go to index.php and replace <jdoc:include type="component" /> with

<?php  if($_GET['view'] !== 'frontpage' ) :?>
     <jdoc:include type="component" />
<?php endif;?>

NOTE : if i write print_r($_GET) on http://localhost/project or http://localhost/project/index.php then it returns

    [option] => com_content
    [view] => frontpage  // see now 
    [id] => 44
    [Itemid] => 53


Brent Friar picture Brent Friar · Sep 11, 2010

I do this on several sites when I really don't need anything but modules on the home page. This works perfectly everywhere I have ever used it. Just add this in your template.

$menu = &JSite::getMenu();
if ($menu->getActive() != $menu->getDefault()) {
    <jdoc:include type="component" />
<?php } ?>

One more thing to mention, In this way you will not get the Search results, as they are displayed on default page. - If you create a search page menu item, which you should if you want to control the modules on that page, then this will not affect the search page at all.