Top "Modalviewcontroller" questions

A modal view controller is a mechanism for managing a modal view, i.e. a view that assumes logical control of the user interface until the modal view is dismissed.

Workaround for custom UIViewController animations in landscape?

I have a custom animated UIViewController transition, and it seems that there is a bug in iOS that screws up …

uiviewcontroller ios7 modalviewcontroller
Dismissing modal view controller results in a black screen

This is my view (controller) hierarchy: UITabBarController (as the rootViewController of the app) UINavigationController (as the viewController for one of …

ios objective-c iphone xcode modalviewcontroller
Dismiss two modal view controllers

I have a navigation controller which present one modal viewController. From inside this modal viewController I present another modal viewController. …

objective-c modalviewcontroller
ios: how to dismiss a modal view controller and then pop a pushed view controller

I have a view controller B that is pushed onto the navigation stack by root view controller A and this …

ios modalviewcontroller viewcontroller pushviewcontroller
Ionic 3 - I want a modal screen not full size

I need a modal page with no full size (80% width, <60% height, centered) to select some items, like an alert …

ionic-framework ionic3 css-position modalviewcontroller
Call Function in Underlying ViewController as Modal View Controller is Dismissed

I have a mainViewController. I call [self pushModalViewController:someViewController] which makes someViewController the active view. Now I want to call …

iphone objective-c modalviewcontroller viewdidappear