Mockery is a PHP library used to create Mocks of Objects for testing purpose.
Why unit test in "test 1" returns me status code 500, not 200 ? Can somebody explain me ? Here is example in 2 tests for …
php unit-testing laravel laravel-5 mockeryI need to test, that the code creates a new instance of a class with certain parameters: $bar = new ProgressBar($…
php unit-testing mockeryI am trying to wrap my head around Unit testing with PhpUnit / Mockery / Laravel. It's not coming easy. I've been …
php unit-testing laravel mockeryI have in my code a line like this: ModelName::create($data); where ModelName is just an Eloquent model. Is …
unit-testing laravel eloquent mockeryI've been using Laravel for a while now and I have been reading a lot about Dependency Injection an testable …
php unit-testing dependency-injection laravel-4 mockeryAccording to the Laravel Documentation, I can use Queue::fake(); prevent jobs from being queued. What is not clear how …
php laravel phpunit mockery laravel-testing