I'm using react js with mobx and I get data from api. the data I get is array of objects. when I set the data into mobx variable then I see array of proxy objects(not sure what the proxy says). I'm trying just to set the array of objects I get from api into mobx variable.
my store
class UserStore {
@persist @observable token = null
@observable tasks = []
@observable done = false
@persist @observable email = ''
constructor() {
getTasks = async () => {
try {
let response = await Api.getTasks()
this.tasks = response.tasks
console.log('my new tasks',this.tasks)
} catch (e) {
as you can see here in the first block('black') the data i get from api, then i set the respnse.tasks into this.tasks.
this.tasks = response.tasks
console.log('my new tasks',this.tasks)
You can convert proxy to JS:
import { toJS } from 'mobx'
// example