A mobile version of Apple’s Safari web browser.
I'm working on an iOS metronome web app. Since mobile Safari can only play one sound at a time, I'm …
javascript html dom-events mobile-safari html5-audioThis has been asked multiple times here, but without a solid and understandable answer. This is a web-app, not a …
iphone web-applications mobile-safari iphone-4 retina-displayAt Google I/O 2011: Chrome Dev Tools Reloaded, Paul Irish and Pavel Feldman introduced new remote debugging feature — which was …
mobile webkit mobile-safari remote-debuggingI know that Mobile Safari won't fire events while in "momentum" (-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;) scrolling. But this is not entirely the …
ios scroll touch mobile-safari caretIs there a way for Mobile Safari to recognize a site meant for mobile phones and automatically zoom in? How …
iphone mobile-safari smartphoneI am building an iOS app in webkit, so my whole UI is a webview. on touchStart of any element …
ios webkit mobile-safariThe following code puts a white box on the screen. If you run this on an iPad (you can adjust …
css ios animation webkit mobile-safariI have got an iframe. Inside this iframe I have a player, which can go into fullscreen. Everything works fine …
html iframe mobile-safari mobile-chromeIf found a really annoying bug on the current (iOS 9.2) mobile safari (first appearing since iOS 7!) If you using multi …
html ios select mobile-safari multi-selectI've been reading many other questions, like these[1][2][3] for example, but the problem still persists. I need to find the "…
mobile-safari html-input android-keypad numeric-keypad iphone-keypad