Top "Mixer" questions

Anything related to audio mixers, i.e. hardware or software (virtual) devices used to mix the signals of independent audio sources together in order to produce a single audio signal out of them.

Why doesn't my PyGame mixer play sounds,?

My PyGame mixer in 2.7 won't work with the sound option. I can make it work with but not …

python windows pygame windows-7-x64 mixer
How to adjust microphone gain from C# (needs to work on XP & W7)

First, note that I know there are a few questions like this already posted; however they don't seem to address …

c# microphone mixer
When/how is an application added to the Windows 7 Volume Mixer window?

I'm trying to get an application which ran okay on XP to run properly on Windows 7 (this is not something …

windows-7 mixer
how to mix two audio channels?

I have two mono audio channels (pcm format) of audio call, incoming and outgoing. how to mix them? how to …

c++ windows audio mixer
How to set a Mixer's volume to a slider's volume in Unity?

I'm trying to make some audio settings. Here is my script: public AudioMixer masterMixer; public float masterLvl; public float musicLvl; …

c# unity3d audio uislider mixer