Top "Miniconda" questions

Minimal installation package for the python package manager [conda], which includes only conda and all it's dependencies (in contrast to [anaconda] which is the "enterprise" distibution of conda)

PyCharm terminal doesn't activate conda environment

I have a conda environment at the default location for windows, which is C:\ProgramData\Anaconda2\envs\myenv. Also, as …

python pycharm anaconda conda miniconda
Miniconda "installs" numpy but Python can't import it

So I have been having some trouble with this. I need to use numpy so that I can use OpenCV …

python numpy miniconda
How to uninstall Miniconda on Linux?

I have installed Miniconda in my Ubuntu Linux distribution. There is a conflict with the Python version of Linux. I …

python linux miniconda
install conda package to google colab

I try to install packages from anaconda to google's colab. But it doesn't work. The whole thing is voodoo magic. …

python anaconda conda google-colaboratory miniconda
Which version of Miniconda has Python 3.6 for Windows 64-bit?

I'm working on a project which need these deep learning libraries - keras and tensorflow. Unfortunately, these do not work …

python-3.x windows miniconda
Anaconda vs miniconda space

On my desktop PC I have anaconda installed, and on my laptop - to save space - I thought i'd …

python anaconda miniconda
What is the purpose of the c flag in the "conda install" command

I'm learning to setup python environments using conda, and I noticed that on the anaconda cloud website they recommend installing …

python anaconda conda miniconda
Cannot activate Conda environment

I installed miniconda and I created an environment: conda create --prefix /path/to/a/directory/Python36 python=3.6 Then I tried …

anaconda miniconda
Activate and switch Anaconda environment in Dockerfile during build

I've been trying for hours and can't figure out how to activate and switch anaconda environments in a Dockerfile during …

python anaconda dockerfile miniconda
InvalidArchiveError when executing conda install notebook

I have conda 4.8.1 running on windows 10 enterprise edition and it is showing me following error whenever I try to install …

python-3.x jupyter-notebook conda miniconda