What's the difference between the MinGW project and the 32-bit portion of the MinGW-w64 project? Does the 32-bit portion of MinGW-w64 have any relation to x64 at all?
It seems like their compilers do the exact same things...
The MinGW from http://www.mingw.org/ does only support gcc 32 bit (host and target). The independent minGW-w64 project provides support for 64 bit, and also supports a much larger part of the Windows API. The MinGW-w64 project however does not provide official binary builds: These can be grabbed either from the personal build directories of the developers (the most popular being rubenvb), or from associated but independent projects like tdm-gcc or mingw-builds or msys2.
Source: http://wiki.qt.io/MinGW-64-bit