Top "Mime" questions

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is an Internet standard that extends the format of email to support text in character sets other than ASCII, non-text attachments, message bodies with multiple parts, and header information in non-ASCII character sets

In Rails 3, respond_to and format.all works differently than Rails 2?

the code respond_to do |format| format.html format.json { render :json => @switches } format.xml { render :xml => @switches.…

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 mime
Is there an enum with MIME Types in Java?

Possible Duplicate: Interface/enum listing standard mime-type constants Is there an enum (or something similar) which holds constants for the …

java mime apache-commons guava
Best way to handle email parsing/decoding in PHP?

Currently I'm using the PEAR library's mimeDecode.php for parsing incoming emails. It seems to have a lot of issues …

php email mime decode
Are there .NET Framework methods to parse an email (MIME)?

Is there a class or set of functions built into the .NET Framework (3.5+) to parse raw emails (MIME documents)? I …

c# .net email parsing mime
How can you read a files MIME-type in objective-c

I am interested in detecting the MIME-type for a file in the documents directory of my iPhone application. A search …

iphone objective-c mime mime-types
Laravel validation pdf mime

I have tried below mime types for validating PDF files.but none of them doesnt pass the validation . $rules = [ .... "file" =&…

validation laravel mime
Get Content Type of Request

To find the incoming content type, docs say: request.headers["Content-Type"] # => "text/plain" But I found by trial-and-error, that …

ruby-on-rails http rest ruby-on-rails-3.1 mime
What rules apply to MIME boundary?

When you are writing MIME, you separate different chunks of your message with a certain boundary. I failed for some …

http mime mime-types
What is the MIME type for Markdown?

Does anyone know if there exists a MIME type for Markdown? I guess it is text/plain, but is there …

mime-types markdown mime plaintext
Is Java 8 java.util.Base64 a drop-in replacement for sun.misc.BASE64?

Question Are the Java 8 java.util.Base64 MIME Encoder and Decoder a drop-in replacement for the unsupported, internal Java API …

java encoding java-8 base64 mime