Top "Mime-types" questions

A MIME type after MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a two-part identifier for file formats on the Internet.

Express: Setting content-type based on path/file?

I know Express has the res.contentType() method, but how to set automatically content type based on path/file (including …

javascript node.js mime-types connect express
Forcing application/json MIME type in a view (Flask)

I can't figure out how to force the MIME type application/json for a view in Flask. Here is a …

python json mime-types flask
HTTP Accept Header meaning

When a browser's Accept request header says something like the following: Accept: application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,…

http http-headers mime-types content-negotiation
What is the meaning of "vnd" in MIME types?

Reading up on content providers, I keep wondering why both the category and type of Android MIME types are prefixed …

What's the difference between using application/csv vs text/csv?

What's the difference between using application/csv vs text/csv as the HTTP Accept Header?

http mime-types
MIME Types for woff, ttf, svg, and eot 404ing despite being setup in IIS

I am trying to get a font to render within a file and it is giving me the usual error …

fonts iis-7.5 mime-types woff eot
How to check whether a MIME type is of JPG, PNG, BMP or GIF?

I have written this code: $filename = "some/path/where/the/file/can/be/found.some_extension"; $buffer = file_get_contents($…

php mime-types fileinfo
Using php_fileinfo.dll and finfo_open in Windows PHP 5.3.5

I'm having trouble calling finfo_open in a PHP script running on Windows Server 2003 with PHP 5.3.5 & IIS 6. The call …

php iis mime-types fileinfo
Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type image/jpeg

I'm using to handle my image uploads on my website. I'm also using FancyBox to display a nice …

google-chrome fancybox mime-types
Multiple MIME types in Android

Is there a way to use intent.setType() and supply multiple broad types (like images and video)? I am using …

android android-intent mime-types