A MIME type after MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a two-part identifier for file formats on the Internet.
I am writing a Unit Test for a class and need to generate a few files with different mime-types. I …
php mime-types fwriteThe topics of HTML vs. XHTML and XHTML as text/html vs. XHTML as XHTML are quite complex. Unfortunately it's …
xhtml html mime-typesChrome always throws a warning for my MJPEG stream: Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type multipart/x-mixed-replace …
mime-types mjpegIs there anyway of setting MIME types in the django development server? Specifically, I would love to remove this message …
django mime-types google-chrome-devtools django-dev-serverI am using Apache Tika to detect the mime type of an input stream and I was wondering if there's …
java mime-types apache-tikaThis is my Intent: Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); intent.setType("text/* , application/pdf, image/*"); But, when …
android pdf android-intent mime-types android-intent-chooserMy Site style sheet is being ignored by every browser I have tested it one. I'm getting this error when …
html css mime-types mime-messageI have upgraded from Apache 2.2 to 2.4 on a RedHat 6.4 server and came across an issue with mime types. Apache has …
apache mime-types mimeFor a web application which allows in-browser preview of documents, I'd like to check whether the user's browser supports preview …
javascript mime-types browser-supportUsing JAVA, I'm trying to force the browser to download files. Here is the code I currently use: response.reset(); …
java ms-office mime-types docx force-download