Top "Migradoc" questions

MigraDoc Foundation is an open source .NET library that easily creates documents based on an object model with paragraphs, tables, styles, etc.

Keep table in one piece MigraDoc / PDFsharp

I am using PDFsharp / MigraDoc to write tables and charts to PDF files. This worked great so far, however MigraDoc …

c# pdf pdf-generation pdfsharp migradoc
How to Set the Background Color of a Cell in a MigraDoc Table

I have a MigraDoc table where I specify a row height of 0.75cm, and the text is vertically-aligned in the …

c#-4.0 pdfsharp migradoc
Migradoc Add horizontal line

How can I add a simple horizontal line in Migradoc so as to separate the content above the line from …

c# migradoc
MigraDoc and .NET Core 2.0

I have made a class library for PDF-generation. It is implemented using PDFshart-MigraDoc (the core package*). The class library itself …

c# .net-core system.drawing migradoc
Scale image to fit to A4 page - Migradoc

I am really struggling to get this right, any help would be appreciated. I have a series of images that …

c# migradoc
Pdf sharp font style Bold,Italic and Underline together

Have any way set font style ItalicUnderline or BoldItalicUnderline? Thanks

c# .net pdf-generation pdfsharp migradoc