Top "Microdata" questions

Microdata is a syntax for expressing structured data in (X)HTML5 documents.

microformats, rdf or microdata

Is there any difference between using one of this technologies? I'm building now a site using HTML5, and I'm having …

rdf microformats microdata
Google SDTT error: "The review has no reviewed item specified."

I checked my website's Rich Snippets in the Google Rich Snippets Tool, and it had an error: The review has … microdata google-rich-snippets
How to use the "UserComments" schema item?

Let's say I have the mark-up like this: <ul id="comments"> <li class="comment"> <div …

html microdata
Different (type of) openinghours per day using

I use microdata and specifically the LocalBusiness schema on my site. I was also reading this: Multiple opening …
