Get metadata from DOI

argentpepper picture argentpepper · May 8, 2012 · Viewed 7k times · Source

A digital object identifier (DOI) is a globally unique string that identifies an electronic document (for example, a PDF of an academic article). It essentially provides a method for creating a permalink to a document (for example,

Is there a web service (or any other system) to get the metadata (preferably in BibTeX form) of a document from a given DOI?

Edited to add some expository information.


argentpepper picture argentpepper · Oct 28, 2016

Section 5.4.1 Content Negotiation of the DOI Handbook documents states, "Content negotiation is being implemented by DOI Registration Agencies for their DOI names, specifically to offer value-added metadata representations for users." According to Section 4 Supported Content Types of the DOI Content Negotiation documentation for, "Currently three DOI registration agencies have implemented content negotation for their DOIs: CrossRef, DataCite and mEDRA." The list of supported formats (which depends on the registration agency) includes both BibTeX via Accept: application/x-bibtex (this is the approach used by and formatted bibliography entry via Accept: text/bibliography (this is the approach suggested by @anumi above). When using the latter header, you must specify the style=bibtex media type parameter.

The two relevant mimetypes provide slightly different representations. A request to GET with Accept: application/x-bibtex yields the response

    doi = {10.1038/nrd842},
    url = {},
    year = 2002,
    month = {jul},
    publisher = {Springer Nature},
    volume = {1},
    number = {7},
    pages = {491--492},
    author = {Joshua H. Atkins and Leland J. Gershell},
    title = {From the analyst{\textquotesingle}s couch: Selective anticancer drugs},
    journal = {Nature Reviews Drug Discovery}

and with Accept: text/bibliography; style=bibtex

@article{Atkins_2002, title={From the analyst’s couch: Selective anticancer drugs}, volume={1}, ISSN={1474-1784}, url={}, DOI={10.1038/nrd842}, number={7}, journal={Nature Reviews Drug Discovery}, publisher={Springer Nature}, author={Atkins, Joshua H. and Gershell, Leland J.}, year={2002}, month={Jul}, pages={491–492}}