Top "Messagebox" questions

A message box is a prefabricated modal dialog box that displays a text message to a user.

How to show a MessageBox with a checkbox?

I would like to create a MessageBox that has Yes/No buttons AND a checkbox. The application is a picture …

c# checkbox messagebox
C# formatting a MessageBox

I want to display a MessageBox alerting the user that the process is complete, and giving a breakdown on how …

c# winforms format messagebox
How do i get an Image for the various MessageBoxImage(s) or MessageBoxIcon(s)

How do i get an System.Drawing.Image for the various System.Windows.MessageBoxImage(s) and/or System.Windows.Forms.…

.net wpf winforms messagebox
Creating A MessageBox That Doesn't Stop Code?

Ok, I'm looking for something pretty simple: creating a MessageBox that doesn't stop my code. I'm guessing I'll have to …

c# messagebox
Is there a non-blocking version of MessageBox.Show (or something like it)?

Long-delayed update I'm accepting MUG4N's answer to this question, and I also want to respond to some of the …

.net winforms blocking messagebox nonblocking
(C++) MessageBox for Linux like in MS Windows

I need to implement a simple graphical message box for a Linux (SDL) application similar to the Windows MessageBox in …

c++ linux wxwidgets x11 messagebox
Python 3 Tkinter - Messagebox with a toplevel as master?

I've found that when a toplevel widget calls a messagebox dialog (like "showinfo"), the root window is showed up, over …

python-3.x tkinter messagebox tk
Popping a MessageBox for the main app with Backgroundworker in WPF

In a WPF app, I am using a BackgroundWorker to periodically check for a condition on the server. While that …

c# wpf multithreading backgroundworker messagebox
Python MessageBox with Icons using ctypes and windll

So, I'm looking for a way to create a simple Messagebox in Python using just the native libraries and came …

python dll ctypes messagebox
Messagebox and Unit testing

I'm trying to find the best way to uncouple messageboxes from my logic so I can properly unittest it. Now …

c# unit-testing messagebox