Top "Menuitem" questions

A menu item is a child element of a menu that provides the user a means to view and execute a specific application operation.

Custom view for Menu Item

I need to have dynamic Menu Item, a circle of user defined color, like this: touching this menu item will …

android android-actionbar menuitem
How can I alter a MenuItem on the Options Menu on Android?

I have an Options Menu on my Activity with an MenuItem "Start". When this MenuItem is selected I would like …

android menuitem options-menu alternation
How to change Custom Font of Android Menu Item?

I have the following Android Java and XML code. I want to change the font of Menu Items of my …

android menuitem
How to change the position of menu items on actionbar

I'm developing one application in which I have to add a custom layout on actionbar. Adding the custom layout is …

android android-layout android-actionbar menuitem
ASP.NET MenuItem Individual Styles

I'm hoping to use an ASP.NET Menu Control for navigation through my site. However, I've got a requirement that … menu styles menuitem
Is it possible to grey out (not just disable) a MenuItem in Android?

There's a question for the same functionality on Blackberry, and a few different threads referred to this bug (which has …

android menu menuitem
How to style menu button and menu items

I tried to change styles in menu button. I could change menu button style but not its menu item. No …

css javafx javafx-2 javafx-8 menuitem
WPF - how to hide menu item if command's CanExecute is false?

By default menu items become disabled when its command cannot be executed (CanExecute = false). What is the easiest way to …

wpf command contextmenu menuitem
WPF - How can I create menu and submenus using binding

I am trying to create a dynamic menu using binding. I my viewmodel I have a list of objects which …

c# wpf binding menuitem
Mutually exclusive checkable menu items?

Given the following code: <MenuItem x:Name="MenuItem_Root" Header="Root"> <MenuItem x:Name="MenuItem_Item1" IsCheckable="…

c# wpf xaml menuitem