Top "Memory-management" questions

Process of dynamically allocating and freeing portions of physical memory in order to respond to program requests with, if possible, fairness and no starvation among the requesters.

Releasing memory in Python

I have a few related questions regarding memory usage in the following example. If I run in the interpreter, foo = […

python memory-management
Dynamically allocating an array of objects

I have a class that contains a dynamically allocated array, say class A { int* myArray; A() { myArray = 0; } A(int size) { …

c++ memory-management pointers destructor copy-constructor
Why should C++ programmers minimize use of 'new'?

I stumbled upon Stack Overflow question Memory leak with std::string when using std::list<std::string>, and …

c++ memory-management heap new-operator c++-faq
How to initialise memory with new operator in C++?

I'm just beginning to get into C++ and I want to pick up some good habits. If I have just …

c++ initialization memory-management new-operator
What are the differences between virtual memory and physical memory?

I am often confused with the concept of virtualization in operating systems. Considering RAM as the physical memory, why do …

memory-management operating-system virtualization ram virtual-memory
C++ error : terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'

I use below code on eclipse and I get an error terminate "called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_…

c++ memory-management runtime-error
How to list processes attached to a shared memory segment in linux?

How do I determine what process is attached to a shared memory segment? awagner@tree:/home/awagner$ ipcs -m ------ …

linux memory memory-management shared
Python object deleting itself

Why won't this work? I'm trying to make an instance of a class delete itself. >>> class A(): …

python memory-management instance
What does 'corrupted double-linked list' mean

I've recently gotten the following error from my PHP: WARNING: [pool www] child 42475 said into stderr: "*** glibc detected *** php-fpm: pool …

memory-management glibc
In Linux, how to tell how much memory processes are using?

I think I may have a memory leak in my LAMP application (memory gets used up, swap starts getting used, …

linux unix memory-leaks memory-management