Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) is a query language for OLAP databases.
In SQL I like to search a column for matches of a particular string using something like this: SELECT t.…
ssas mdxI am trying to filter out some points from a dimension in my MDX select query. I have used the …
mdx mondrianIn the following MDX queries SELECT { [EffectiveDate].[Period].[All].CHILDREN, [EffectiveDate].[Period].[All] } ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY { [Account].[Hierarchy].[Account …
mdxI have a fairly complex calculated measure that works perfectly for each row of data from a cube. However, I …
ssas mdx data-warehouse olap ssas-2008In MDX what is the difference between [Period].[Period Name].[Period Name].ALLMEMBERS and [Period].[Period Name].ALL are these …
ssas mdx