How to use master pom file to checkout all modules of a web application and build all modules

zeeone picture zeeone · Mar 5, 2012 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I have a web application that relies on several modules. So to build it, I have a master pom.xml file. What I want this pom file to do is to checkout out all the modules. below is my pom file.



I have tried mvn scm:checkout and mvn scm:checkout -check-out-project1 but it give me the error: Cannot run checkout command : Can't load the scm provider. You need to define a connectionUrl parameter.

I don't understand why this is happening since I have the connectionUrl parameters defined inside the pom file already,the ideas point that I want to get to is having the pom file configured to be able to checkout multiple projects at the same time. Please let me know what I am doing wrong here, Thanks in Advance.


Arthur B picture Arthur B · Mar 11, 2016

I found that if placing each of the checkouts into its own <execution> ... </execution> and within place the individual <configuration> ... </configuration> for them works. For example:
