Package Dll in Jar using Maven- single goal

Suave Nti picture Suave Nti · Jul 20, 2012 · Viewed 8.9k times · Source

I have added a DLL in my maven project as dependency like this :


When I try to execute maven:install

It is giving me this error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.2-   
beta-5:single (jar-with-dependencies) on project testApp: Failed to create 
assembly:    Error adding file-set for 'com.test.dll:myDll:dll:0.1' to archive: Error 
 adding archived file-set. PlexusIoResourceCollection not found for: C:\Users\USER\.m2
 \repository\com\test\dll\myDll\0.1\myDll-0.1.dll: No such archiver: 'dll'

What Am I doing wrong here??






Stefan Ferstl picture Stefan Ferstl · Jul 30, 2012

The problem here is the jar-with-dependencies descriptor. The descriptor unpacks all dependencies into a directory and packages this directory into a new JAR file. However, it cannot unpack a DLL file (that's the "No such archiver" error message). To get this working, you need to define your own assembly descriptor:

<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

    <!-- package the regular dependencies -->
      <!-- exclude the DLL -->
    <!-- package the DLLs -->

Provided, that the descriptor above resides in src/main/assembly, the configuration of the maven-assembly-plugin looks as follows:
