Top "Maven-tomcat-plugin" questions

The Tomcat Maven Plugin provides goals to manipulate WAR projects within the Tomcat servlet container.

Spring Java Config: Tomcat deploy without web.xml

I built a java configured Spring MVC application without any XML. I can deploy and start the application on my …

spring maven tomcat maven-tomcat-plugin spring-java-config
SSL Configuration on Maven Tomcat Plugin

I am trying to develop a Wicket app. It's login page must open with SSL. So I did some coding. …

ssl tomcat7 maven-tomcat-plugin
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.el.ELResolver.invoke(Ljavax/el/ELContext;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object; when using maven tomcat plugin

i was running my JSF 2 application from external tomcat 6 from eclipse and everything was working fine but when i tried …

jakarta-ee tomcat el maven-tomcat-plugin
How to set agentlib property for mvn tomcat plugin (jpda)

Related to eclipse debug remote web application => How do I debug a remote application in my eclipse How can …

remote-debugging maven-tomcat-plugin jpda
tomcat 7 maven plugin snapshot repository issue?

I would like to have tomcat 7 maven plugin, and followed the instruction from [the plugin site][1]. What happened is that …

maven maven-3 tomcat7 maven-tomcat-plugin
Tomcat - Maven plugin: run webapps but not current project

The tomcat7-maven-plugin allows running the current project as a Web application and additional <webapps> can be specified …

maven web-applications tomcat7 maven-tomcat-plugin
Why can't I shutdown tomcat 7 embedded from maven plugin?

I'm using tomcat7-maven-plugin 2.2 to run a webapp from command line (I'm on Windows 8.1, Java 1.7.0_51 and Maven 3.2.1). This is the …

windows java-7 maven-tomcat-plugin
How to redeploy a war on remote Tomcat 7 using maven-tomcat-plugin

I am trying to redeploy a war from my local machine to a remote Tomcat 7 using command prompt in Windows. …

maven tomcat7 maven-tomcat-plugin
How to stop tomcat 7 with maven in eclipse

When I run my maven web project in eclipse. I go to pom.xml, right click on the file and 1. …

maven tomcat jakarta-ee maven-plugin maven-tomcat-plugin
Eclipse maven run configuration using 'run' goal from tomcat7 maven plugin doesn't respect default context path

I'm working on a web service locally, built using maven and deploying to tomcat. I'm using the maven plugin to …

java maven tomcat maven-tomcat-plugin