Top "Matrix-multiplication" questions

Questions related to matrix multiplication, especially implementation.

How can I multiply a matrix by a vector using JAMA?

I'm trying to create a vector from an array of doubles. I then want to multiply this vector by a …

java vector matrix matrix-multiplication jama
How to update opengl modelview matrix with my own 4x4 matrix?

I have 4x4 matrix for object's transformations. float mat44[16]; But i don't know how to update OpenGL ModelView matrix using …

opengl matrix 3d matrix-multiplication
Python NUMPY HUGE Matrices multiplication

I need to multiply two big matrices and sort their columns. import numpy a= numpy.random.rand(1000000, 100) b= numpy.random.…

python performance numpy matrix-multiplication
Matrix multiplication in GSL-GNU

Kindly tell me the function of matrix multiplication in GSL library. I have searched a lot but I am not …

c++ c matrix matrix-multiplication gsl
Why does the order of loops in a matrix multiply algorithm affect performance?

I am given two functions for finding the product of two matrices: void MultiplyMatrices_1(int **a, int **b, int **c, …

c algorithm matrix matrix-multiplication gprof
Efficient 4x4 matrix vector multiplication with SSE: horizontal add and dot product - what's the point?

I am trying to find the most efficient implementation of 4x4 matrix (M) multiplication with a vector (u) using SSE. …

c performance optimization sse matrix-multiplication
Matrix multiplication: Strassen vs. Standard

I tried to implement the Strassen algorithm for matrix multiplication with C++, but the result isn't that, what I expected. …

c++ performance matrix matrix-multiplication strassen
Cache friendly method to multiply two matrices

I intend to multiply 2 matrices using the cache-friendly method ( that would lead to less number of misses) I found out …

matrix-multiplication cachegrind
Why is matrix multiplication in .NET so slow?

I don't quite understand what makes matrix multiplication in C#/.NET (and even Java) so slow. Take a look at …

c# .net performance xna matrix-multiplication
Speed up float 5x5 matrix * vector multiplication with SSE

I need to run a matrix-vector multiplication 240000 times per second. The matrix is 5x5 and is always the same, whereas …

c++ vectorization matrix-multiplication sse simd