Is there any good way how to plot 2D array of complex numbers as image in mathplotlib ?
It makes very much sense to map magnitude of complex number as "brightness" or "saturation" and phase as "Hue" ( anyway Hue is nothing else than phase in RBG color space).
But as far as I know imshow does accept only scalar values which are then mapped using some colorscale. There is nothing like ploting real RGB pictures?
I thing it would be easy just implement a version which accepts 2D array of tuples (vectors) of 3 floating point numbers or ndarray of floats of shape [:,:,3]. I guess this would be generally usefful feature. It would be also usefull for plotting real RGB colord images, such as textures outputted from OpenCL
this does almost the same of @Hooked code but very much faster.
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
import pylab as plt
from colorsys import hls_to_rgb
def colorize(z):
r = np.abs(z)
arg = np.angle(z)
h = (arg + pi) / (2 * pi) + 0.5
l = 1.0 - 1.0/(1.0 + r**0.3)
s = 0.8
c = np.vectorize(hls_to_rgb) (h,l,s) # --> tuple
c = np.array(c) # --> array of (3,n,m) shape, but need (n,m,3)
c = c.swapaxes(0,2)
return c
x,y = np.ogrid[-5:5:N*1j, -5:5:N*1j]
z = x + 1j*y
w = 1/(z+1j)**2 + 1/(z-2)**2
img = colorize(w)