Top "Matplotlib" questions

Matplotlib is a plotting library for Python which may be used interactively or embedded in stand-alone GUIs.

matplotlib: plot multiple columns of pandas data frame on the bar chart

I am using the following code to plot a bar-chart: import matplotlib.pyplot as pls my_df.plot(x='my_…

python python-3.x pandas matplotlib bar-chart
Matplotlib (pyplot) savefig outputs blank image

I am trying to save plots I make using matplotlib; however, the images are saving blank. Here is my code: …

python image matplotlib figure
reducing number of plot ticks

I have too many ticks on my graph and they are running into each other. How can I reduce the …

python matplotlib
Scatter plot and Color mapping in Python

I have a range of points x and y stored in numpy arrays. Those represent x(t) and y(t) …

python matplotlib
How can I open the interactive matplotlib window in IPython notebook?

I am using IPython with --pylab=inline and would sometimes like to quickly switch to the interactive, zoomable matplotlib GUI …

python matplotlib jupyter-notebook
How can I plot separate Pandas DataFrames as subplots?

I have a few Pandas DataFrames sharing the same value scale, but having different columns and indices. When invoking df.…

python matplotlib pandas
MatPlotLib: Multiple datasets on the same scatter plot

I want to plot multiple data sets on the same scatter plot: cases = scatter(x[:4], y[:4], s=10, c='b', marker="…

python scipy matplotlib
Hide axis values but keep axis tick labels in matplotlib

I have this image: plt.plot(sim_1['t'],sim_1['V'],'k') plt.ylabel('V') plt.xlabel('t') I …

python matplotlib
How to create a density plot in matplotlib?

In R I can create the desired output by doing: data = c(rep(1.5, 7), rep(2.5, 2), rep(3.5, 8), rep(4.5, 3), rep(5.5, 1), rep(6.5, 8)) plot(density(…

python r numpy matplotlib scipy
How to display multiple images in one figure correctly?

I am trying to display 20 random images on a single Figure. The images are indeed displayed, but they are overlaid. …
