After attempting to solve a symbolic math problem, I got an expression with about 17000 characters. I am using the symbolic toolbox for Matlab, but I am open to any suggestion (Mathematica, whatever).
For obvious reasons, I won't copy-paste the expression straight into the question. Here is a link instead.
Running the Matlab
commands simplify
and simple
, and even attempts to collect
didn't improve the situation (Some got it worse).
But I am wondering, I don't care if the expression is evaluated in steps, with temporal parameters. Something like:
z1 = a^2*y1;
%Now the expression can be simplified by using z1 as alias!
z1+z1^2 ....
Is there an automatic method to get such a step-by-step simplification with temporal variables? Also, any other method that you can think of is plausible.
Might try common subexpression elimination (CSE). Here is an example cribbed from
Get mathematica to simplify expression with another equation
InputForm[Experimental`OptimizeExpression[(3 + 3*a^2 + Sqrt[5 + 6*a + 5*a^2] +
a*(4 + Sqrt[5 + 6*a + 5*a^2]))/6]]
Experimental`OptimizedExpression[Block[{Compile`$1, Compile`$3, Compile`$4,
Compile`$5, Compile`$6}, Compile`$1 = a^2; Compile`$3 = 6*a;
Compile`$4 = 5*Compile`$1; Compile`$5 = 5 + Compile`$3 + Compile`$4;
Compile`$6 = Sqrt[Compile`$5]; (3 + 3*Compile`$1 + Compile`$6 +
a*(4 + Compile`$6))/6]]