my data is in following form:
days of week date time(hrs) visitors
mon jan 2 2010 900 501
mon jan 2 2010 1000 449
mon jan 2 2010 1100 612
likewise for every day for entire year. i need to create a matrix of days of week as shown below:
Here is how I would read the tab-separated values, and parse the dates:
%# read and parse file
fid = fopen('data.csv','rt');
C = textscan(fid, '%s %s %s %d', 'Delimiter','\t', 'HeaderLines',1, ...
'MultipleDelimsAsOne',true, 'CollectOutput',false);
%# get date and number of visitors
dt = datenum(strcat(C{2}, {' '}, C{3}), 'mmm dd yyyy HHMM');
visitors = C{4};
%# plot
xlabel('time of day'), ylabel('visitors')
As for the day-of-week column, you can get it as:
>> C{1} %# first column from file
ans =
>> cellstr(datestr(dt,'ddd')) %# actual day of week from parsed dates
ans =
this produces different days (either your data posted was simply made-up, or you have a bug in the part that generated those dates!)