I'm pretty much beginner so it's probably possible to do what I want in a simple way. I have a matrix 121x62 but I need to expand it to 121x1488 so every column has to be repeated 24 times. For example, transform this:
2.2668 2.2667 2.2667 2.2666 2.2666 2.2666
2.2582 2.2582 2.2582 2.2582 2.2581 2.2581
2.283 2.283 2.283 2.2829 2.2829 2.2829
2.2881 2.2881 2.2881 2.2881 2.2881 2.288
2.268 2.268 2.2679 2.2679 2.2678 2.2678
2.2742 2.2742 2.2741 2.2741 2.2741 2.274
into this:
2.2668 2.2668 2.2668 and so on to 24th 2.2667 2.2667 and again to 24x
2.2582 2.2582 2.2582 ...
with every column.
I've tried to create a vector with these values and then transform with vec2mat and ok I have 121x1488 matrix but repeated by rows:
2.2668 2.2668 2.2668 2.2668 2.2668 2.2668 ... 2.2582 2.2582 2.2582 2.2582 ...
How to do it by columns?
Suppose you have this simplified input and you want to expand columns sequentially n
A = [1 4
2 5
3 6];
szA = size(A);
n = 3;
There are few ways to do that:
Replicate, then reshape:
Kronecker product:
Using FEX: expand()
expand(A,[1 n])
Since R2015a, repelem()
All yield the same result:
ans =
1 1 1 4 4 4
2 2 2 5 5 5
3 3 3 6 6 6