I have two points
x1 = (a1,b1,c1,d1,e1); //5 dimensional point
x2 = (a2,b2,c2,d2,e2); //5 dimensional point
So is this right way to calculate the euclidean dist?
d = sqrt(sqr(a1-a2)+sqr(b1-b2)+sqr(c1-c2)+sqr(d1-d2)+sqr(e1-e2))
Now I was wondering if the pdist(X)
would give me the same result?
Here X = (x1,x2)
i.e X
is a 5x2 matrix.
Also I would like the result in square matrix form.
There are a lot of answers to this. In general, yes, you have the right math, although not the correct Matlab syntax.
Given some X as you describe:
X = [1 3 4 2 1; 8 2 3 5 4]
Here is the syntax for the equation you were writing out:
d1 = sqrt((X(1,1)-X(2,1))^2+(X(1,2)-X(2,2))^2+(X(1,3)-X(2,3))^2+(X(1,4)-X(2,4))^2+(X(1,5)-X(2,5))^2)
Here are a couple of more idiomatic ways to format this equation:
d2 = sqrt(sum( (X(1,:) - X(2,:)).^2 ))
d3 = sqrt(sum( diff(X,[],1).^2))
Here is a more functional way to compute it
euclidDistance = @(x,y) sqrt(sum( (x-y).^2));
d4 = euclidDistance(X(1,:), X(2,:))
Note, all of these methods return the same result: d1=d2=d3=d4 = 8.3066