matlab: scatter plots with high number of datapoints

Art picture Art · Nov 9, 2012 · Viewed 17.7k times · Source

I'm trying to plot scatter, something like:

scatter(coor(:, 2), coor(:, 3), 1, coor(:, 4));

The problem is, that I have quite big number of coordinates to plot (~100 000). Its taking long time to plot it, and when I try to export figure to tiff - then matlab is dead for goooood few minutes... Any solution to improve plotting, or at least tiff export?

EDIT: Forgot to mention, 3rd coordinate (coor(:, 4)) is a color code.

So, when I'm using scatter (as above), I have something like on the image below, and thats exactly how I want to see it (just its super slow and I can't export that):


When I do:

plot3(coor(:, 2), coor(:, 3), coor(:, 4), '.')

effect is not as cool any more (note: images are not from the same coordinates...) :

enter image description here


Gunther Struyf picture Gunther Struyf · Nov 9, 2012

You can use plot, but then all points have the same color. However, you can divide the set in different subsets and plot them each with their own color:

N = 100000;
x = rand(N,1);
y = rand(N,1);
C = sin(2*x)+y;

cdivs = 10;
[~, edges] = hist(C,cdivs-1);
edges = [-Inf edges Inf]; % to include all points
[Nk, bink] = histc(C,edges);

hold on;
cmap = jet(cdivs);
for ii=1:cdivs
    idx = bink==ii;

caxis([min(C) max(C)])

enter image description here

which responds already a lot better than scatter(x,y,1,C) which gives about the same plot, but with higher color resolution (which is adjustable in my code above).