Matlab uitable data selection

Satya Vamsi picture Satya Vamsi · Jun 19, 2012 · Viewed 8.1k times · Source

I have Uitable with data read from a AScii file.

  1. I want to select columns using mouse and also using checkboxes. I tried a lot but i cannot figure out how to select uitable column using mouse and getting that data.

  2. Also I am trying to insert checkbox in the last row of the uitable, so when user selects checkbox, particular column is selected.

Any idea?


Amro picture Amro · Jun 19, 2012

To handle clicks on the column headers, one must go to undocumented territory:

%# old UITABLE (based on Swing JTable, instead of the new JIDE-based)
[hTable,hContainer] = uitable('v0', 'Parent',gcf, ...
    'Data',magic(7), 'ColumnNames',cellstr(num2str((1:7)','C%d'))');
set(hContainer, 'Units','normalized', 'Position',[0 0 1 1])

%# handle mouse clicks on table headers
jTableHeader = hTable.getTable().getTableHeader();
h = handle(jTableHeader, 'CallbackProperties');
set(h, 'MousePressedCallback',...
    @(src,evt) disp( src.columnAtPoint(evt.getPoint())+1 ))  %# zero-based index
