Do you know how to read keyboard strokes into Matlab while a Matlab gui is running? (I.e., without using the "input" function which sends a prompt to the command window and needs you to press return).
We would like to avoid using a mex function if possible.
You would first have to declare your figure by handle:
fig = figure;
then you can set properties (in quotes below) to activate functions that you've written to respond to user interactions (with the @ signs):
set(fig, 'KeyReleaseFcn', @keyUpListener);
set(fig,'WindowButtonDownFcn', @mouseDownListener);
set(fig,'WindowButtonUpFcn', @mouseUpListener);
set(fig,'WindowButtonMotionFcn', @mouseMoveListener);
The above example is from shooter03.m a MATLAB space shooter, an excellent source (from the matlab file exchange) for many aspects of user object interaction in MATLAB: