I'm writing iPhone code that fuzzily recognizes whether a swiped line is straight-ish. I get the bearing of the two end points and compare it to 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees with a tolerance of 10 degrees plus or minus. Right now I do it with a bunch of if blocks, which seems super clunky.
How to write a function that, given the bearing 0..360, the tolerance percentage (say 20% = (-10° to +10°)) and a straight angle like 90 degrees, returns whether the bearing is within the tolerance?
Update: I am, perhaps, being too specific. I think a nice, general function that determines whether a number is within a percentage of another number has utility in many areas.
For instance: Is the number swipeLength within 10% of maxSwipe? That would be useful.
BOOL isNumberWithinPercentOfNumber(float firstN, float percent, float secondN) {
// dunno how to calculate
BOOL result;
float swipeLength1 = 303;
float swipeLength2 = 310;
float tolerance = 10.0; // from -5% to 5%
float maxSwipe = 320.0;
result = isNumberWithinPercentOfNumber(swipeLength1, tolerance, maxSwipe);
// result = NO
result = isNumberWithinPercentOfNumber(swipeLength2, tolerance, maxSwipe);
// result = YES
Do you see what I'm getting at?
int AngularDistance (int angle, int targetAngle)
int diff = 0;
diff = abs(targetAngle - angle)
if (diff > 180) diff = 360 - diff;
return diff;
This should work for any two angles.