How to map atan2() to degrees 0-360

willc2 picture willc2 · Aug 21, 2009 · Viewed 135.7k times · Source

atan2(y, x) has that discontinuity at 180° where it switches to -180°..0° going clockwise.

How do I map the range of values to 0°..360°?

here is my code:

CGSize deltaPoint = CGSizeMake(endPoint.x - startPoint.x, endPoint.y - startPoint.y);
float swipeBearing = atan2f(deltaPoint.height, deltaPoint.width);

I'm calculating the direction of a swiping touch event given the startPoint and endPoint, both XY point structs. The code is for the iPhone but any language that supports atan2f() will do.


Liam George Betsworth picture Liam George Betsworth · Sep 8, 2014

Solution using Modulo

A simple solution that catches all cases.

degrees = (degrees + 360) % 360;  // +360 for implementations where mod returns negative numbers


Positive: 1 to 180

If you mod any positive number between 1 and 180 by 360, you will get the exact same number you put in. Mod here just ensures these positive numbers are returned as the same value.

Negative: -180 to -1

Using mod here will return values in the range of 180 and 359 degrees.

Special cases: 0 and 360

Using mod means that 0 is returned, making this a safe 0-359 degrees solution.