How do craigslist mashups get data?

pearcewg picture pearcewg · Oct 26, 2008 · Viewed 28.3k times · Source

I'm doing some research work into content aggregators, and I'm curious how some of the current craigslist aggregators get data into their mashups.

For example, and the now closed

If there is a URL that can be used for reference, that would be perfect!


cfay picture cfay · Oct 29, 2008

For I use a combination of Magpie RSS (to extract the data returned from searches) and a custom screen scraping class to properly populate the city/category information used when building searches.

For example, to extract the categories you could:

//scrape category data
$h = new http();
$h->dir = "../cache/"; 
$url = "";

if (!$h->fetch($url, 300)) {
  echo "<h2>There is a problem with the http request!</h2>";      

//we need to get all category abbreviations (data looks like: <option value="ccc">community)
preg_match_all ("/<option value=\"(.*)\">([^`]*?)\n/", $h->body, $categoryTemp);

$catNames = $categoryTemp['2']; 

//return the array of abreviations
if(sizeof($catNames) > 0)   
    return $catNames;   
    return $emptyArray = array();