Top "Markdown" questions

Markdown is a plain text formatting syntax designed so that it can be converted to HTML using a tool by the same name.

Javascript to convert Markdown/Textile to HTML (and, ideally, back to Markdown/Textile)

There are several good Javascript editors for Markdown / Textile (e.g.:, the one I'm using right …

javascript jquery markdown textile
How can I reference an image in GitLab markdown in the current directory with the path starting with ./ dot slash?

I have stored a Markdown file and an image file in a Git repo as follows: readme.markdown images/ image.…

image markdown gitlab
Enabling markdown highlighting in Vim

I'm using Vim in a terminal on my MacBook Air with OS X Lion, and I can't seem to find …

vim markdown
How to display images in Markdown files on Github?

I want to display some images in a Markdown file on Github. I found it works this way: ![Figure 1-1](…

github markdown
Are numbered headings in Markdown / Rdiscount possible?

I'm trying to produce html with section / subsection headings resembling the following: My top-level topic 1.1 My first subtopic 1.2 Another subtopic       1.2.1 …

markdown rdiscount
Automatic TOC in github-flavoured-markdown

Is it possible to generate an automatic Table of Contents using Github Flavoured Markdown?

github markdown
Latex rendering in on Github

Is there any way to render LaTex in in a GitHub repository? I've googled it and searched on …

github latex markdown
How to display HTML content in github

I am new to github, in want to display a HTML content using an Iframe or something is …

github markdown
How can I wrap my markdown in an HTML div?

I am using MarkEd which implements GitHub flavoured markdown. I have some working markdown: ## Test heading a paragraph. ## second heading …

html markdown github-flavored-markdown
Figure position in markdown when converting to PDF with knitr and pandoc

I'm trying to control the position of a plot when converting to PDF using knitr and pandoc. My .Rmd file …

r markdown knitr pandoc